Discovering water in your fuel tank can be concerning, as it can lead to engine issues and performance problems. Signs of water contamination include rough engine idling, loss of power, and difficulty starting the vehicle.
Avoiding Further Damage:
If you suspect water in your fuel tank, it’s crucial to avoid driving the vehicle to prevent further engine damage. Continuing to operate the car with water-contaminated fuel can exacerbate the problem and potentially cause costly repairs.
Seeking Professional Assistance:
If you suspect water in your fuel tank, contact UK Fuel Doctor at 020 7555 3200 immediately. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to assess the extent of the contamination and take appropriate action to rectify the situation.
Removing Water from the Fuel System:
Our skilled technicians will drain the water from your fuel tank and perform thorough checks to ensure no water remains in the fuel system. Additionally, they will inspect the fuel filter and other components for any signs of damage caused by water contamination.
Preventing Future Contamination:
To prevent water in your fuel tank in the future, it’s essential to practice proper fuel storage and handling techniques. Keep your fuel tank topped up to reduce condensation, and avoid filling up at gas stations with poorly maintained fuel storage tanks.
Ensuring Vehicle Safety and Performance:
With our prompt and professional assistance, you can rest assured that your vehicle will return safely and perform optimally on the road. Contact UK Fuel Doctor at 020 7555 3200 for immediate assistance with water in your fuel tank.